Tuesday 22 January 2013

Welcome to Warmachine/Hordes

Hi, I'm Jonathan, I've been playing Warmachine with my Khador army for around 6 months now. I'm still learning but I feel I have a grasp on most of the basics and have learned a few tricks of my own, which is why I've decided to start this blog, to give an insight to people looking to start in the game. Primarily this blog will be focusing on Khador, but I will attempt to branch out, putting up battle reports, and throwing some of my thoughts on whats hot and whats really not in terms of what it does on the table top. For those of you wishing to start Hordes, you shall not be ignored, I'll also aim to try and add some Hordes related articles and battle reports as and when they are available. Hope you all find this a useful resource or even just something entertaining to read, especially when I put up reports with some incredibly silly blunders, i.e. Charging pButcher into a Menoth heavy warjack scrapping it, leaving him with no focus, then watching him get squished by Kreoss' ever popular pop and drop feat trick, lets just say 7 focus isn't something to shake a stick at...

I hope to be able to provide you with some occasionaly 'guest' writers on the blog too, for those who want to know a little more about a different faction or just for a completely different playstyle and view on how they would play in their sitaution. I have a friend who runs a Retribtuion army and is starting Skorne for an upcoming journeyman/army builder league (which is a fun interesting way to start off in the system, so if you get the opportunity to participate in one do so, you'll learn loads), so hopefully he'll be able to come on and spill on what makes the elves tick and maybe even provide some battle reports of his own. More on that at a later date.

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