Friday 25 January 2013

Pictures... Finally

I've managed to find some pictures to brighten up the blog which I think was becoming something a little wordy and plain, just to explain, these pictures are pictures of my army I had originally painted up for an army builder, (called Rise of the Machine, hence the blog's title) and some other models) I appreciate this isn't the best painting you'll have ever seen, but the idea is simply to provide some motivation for those with unpainted armies (you know who you are... I'd name and shame but I'm at the same stage where I have 50+ models to paint and I've no motivation to lift up a brush, so here is some of my better work, at some point I'll try to get some other (better) painted model's pictures but for now here is what I have.

pButcher and  eSorscha

Juggernaut, with Widowmaker marksman in the foreground.

Left to Right - Destroyer, Torch, Kodiak

Widowmaker Squad
Harkevich (WIP) and Erik the Lightning (Space wolf Rune priest who I was painting at the same time). Juggernaut and Destroyer behind (L and R respectively)

Given the fact that Khador are the 'icy' faction, I chose to represent the eyes of the warjacks with an ice blue colour, partly as I felt that orange would blend in too much, partly because looking through the imagery of the 'Casters runes I felt it more appropriate that the glow was one of magical energies flowing through the cortex and especially on Juggernaut I think it worked really well. My current aim is to paint up my Kayazy eliminator squads and my Manhunters (both original and alternate) and once they're painted they'll also be put on the blog. Hopefully soon, you'll be able to see these models in a battle report, in all their fully painted gorey glory relatively soon.

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