Saturday 2 March 2013

Character Solo Profile: Fenris all, sorry for the long wait for new posts, been a bit busy and unwell so haven't been able to get anything done, also the 50 point 2 vs 2 match I played last week is still waiting on a write up as after turn two I gave up noting down what was happening as I couldn't follow it myself, so once I've everything of that game noted the report will follow swiftly. Back to the article, I have yet to play using Fenris myself, however given that I'm entering a mini 20 point mangled metal tournament  in a few weeks and I'm only allowed one solo Fenris was the solo to win me over and having explained what he does, I'm sure you'll be looking for the points to fit him in too.

Stats wise Fenris is brilliant, his SPD is great (with or without the horse), his MAT ensures he'll be hitting all but the most evasive of models with relative ease, his RAT is never used, his DEF leaves a little to be desired given his being on a large base although his ARM (mounted at least) and his damage boxes give him some protection, but leave him a little fragile when compared with other Dragoons available.

First and foremost Fenris is a special character, in this case he is an uber Doom Reaver, made even better by the fact that not only is he a Doom Reaver, but he also has a horse. At first this seems a little underwhelming considering, but Fenris comes with a special rule called Dragoon, giving him two damage tracks or to simplfy to kill him your opponent has to kill Fenris twice, once when he is on the horse once when you've forced him on to his feet. While you have the option to pay less and simply have a wild man on a horse not have the option to let his mount take the first 'death' for him, however having faced a dragoon before (Fane Knight Skryth Issyen of Retribution) I can say the amount of resources that you have to pour into effectively removing both the mounted and non-mounted models it'd be a waste not to take the option to Dismount.

Asides this ability Fenris comes with the staple Doom Reaver rules, Abomination (causes any living warrior models to take a command check within a small area), Berserk (If he destroys a model, he immediately attacks again (note that this includes Beasts and Jacks)), Fearless (Never has to take a command check) and Spell Ward (No spells can target this model, however they can still be hit by AoEs if they scatter). Additionally Fenris being a character solo brings a leadership rule in the form of Silence, meaning Fenris and friendly Doom Reavers within his Command range don't have to make Berserk attacks, which is great if you happen to be forced to use your friendly neighbourhood madmen chained to ancient evil swords too close to your own men. As well as all of this Fenris has the Tough ability eaning that when he's about to lose his last damage box on either track he has a 33% chance of falling over instead, which is especially great seen as damage that exceeds the mounted damage track doesn't go on to his dismounted track.

In terms of weapons Fenris wields two of the ancient evil swords Doom Reavers are so well known for. The Fell Blades come with Reach (increased melee range), Magical Weapon (allows you to hit incorporeal models) and Weapon master (extra d6 to all damage rolls) and if I didn't mention earlier Fenris has two, basically if Fenris charges something likelihood is it will be dead along with anything else crazy enough to be stood nearby. Additionally Fenris being mounted has his mount which he can make impact attacks with, whilst this doesn't usually make a huge amount of difference it's always nice to have the extra attack in hand if something just reuses to die.

Overall Fenris is a very good solo, used either with or without his fellow Doom Reavers. He does have a tendency to prefer running with casters that can buff through feats or area spells as these can get around the Spell Ward issue, pButcher eButcher, pVlad and maybe even Strakhov are all relatively good candidates for using Fenris with to get the very best out of him. Asides that he is a very fun model to use, or to quote a fellow Khador player "Fenris is awesome!"  

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