Tuesday 12 March 2013

Journeyman Battle Report 15 points pIrusk Vs eKaya

Hi everyone, a friend has been setting up a journeyman league for a few months now and seen as I'm going to a tournament at the end of May with a new caster I figured it'd be pretty good practice for me to enter with what will eventually become my list for the torunament slowly building it from the ground and learning a whole new caster.

For the first month we played using a modified version of the Mangled Metal/Tooth and Claw, allowing units and solos, with the victory conditions being either Caster kill or Jack/Beast kill (Killing all the opponent's Warjacks or Warbeasts). The lists were as follows:

pIrusk (+6 WJPs)

Beast 09 (11)

Doom Reavers (6)
UA (2)
Saxon Orrick (2)

eKaya and Laris (+3 WBPs)

Gnarlhorn Satyr (8)
Warpwolf Stalker (10)

Having won the roll off I chose to go first, I deployed both Beast and Irusk over on the far left flank, with Saxon Orrick slightly to the right of Beast (in hindsight I would've advance deployed him, however I only noticed he had this ability part way through my first turn). My opponent then deployed his Satyr directly opposite Beast, with the Stalker to his right and Kaya and Laris hanging back to the right of the Stalker. I then advance deployed my Doom Reaver Squad in a triangle in front of Beast, keeping the UA and squad leader towards the back.

Khador Turn 1

My first turn I advanced Saxon Orrick up towards the hill I was hugging for cover and then used Reconnaisance to grant the Doom Reavers Pathfinder. The Doom Reaver than ran forward spreading themsleves out so that if the unit was charged, my UA could stay out of melee and still get a good shot with Frostbite. Irusk then activated casting Iron Flesh on Saxon Orrick and Superiority on Beast then moved up and walked up to where Saxon had perched on the hill. Beast ran for free due to his Heavy Boiler just behind the front two Doom Reavers providing them both more protection and a possible charge lane dependent upon how far my opponent moved up field that turn.

Circle Turn 1

My opponent activated his Gnarlhorn Satyr walking fowards then casting it's Animus on the Stalker. The Stalker in turn ran ending up just in front of the right most Doom Reavers, leaving Laris to run forward and Kaya to walk forward and cast Forced Evolution through Laris and onto the Stalker.

Khador Turn 2 - Feat Turn

I upkept both Iron Flesh and Superiority, activating Saxon first walking into melee with the Stalker, missing with both of his initial attacks, however I simply did this in order to bait my opponent into trying to hit him to actiavte his abilities,. The Doom Reavers then declared a charge with two Reavers making for the Gnarlhorn, the first suffered the Gnarlhorn's counter slam, but made it's tough roll, the second did manage to fill two branches (2 and 3), leaving the remaining four and UA to attempt to hit the Stalker, most missing, but the combined damage from Frostbite and a Doom Reaver did cause some pain to the Warpwolf. Irusk then walked forward and took two boosted shots at the Gnarlhorn Crippling it's mind and body then popped his feat (in hindsight I should've activated Irusk first as this would've killed both heavy warbeasts this turn leaving just Laris and Kaya). Beast then walked around the back of the Stalker and missed with all but one attack which dealt a fair amount of damage yet it didn't cripple any aspects.

Circle Turn 2

This turn started with Forced evolution being upkept and the Warpwolf frenzying killing the Doom Reaver UA (fortunate that I popped Irusk's feat last turn giving most of my army 4+ Tough) followed by three more Doom Reavers being killed off. Kaya then activated spending two fury to heal two points of the crippled aspects on the Gnarlhorn. The Gnarlhorn then activated killing the Doom Reavers engaging it, leading to Laris moving forward slightly and ending the turn.

Khador Turn 3

This was a crucial turn for me as I was lucky that Laris was too far to charge Beast and I needed to make the most of it. I started by dropping Iron Flesh and up keeping Superiority activating my last Doom Reaver who managed to deal some significant damage to the Stalker, Beast then dealt the final blow finally opening Saxon up to charge and finish off the Satyr. Irusk then moved up in to what I thought was a secure position, with Beast to his left, my remaining Doom Reaver 4 inches in front of him and Saxon 2 inches further forward from him.

Circle Turn 3

This was going to be the turn where Kaya could either win it, or die trying. Laris activated first running in such a way that he managed to avoid Saxon and the Doom Reaver, leaving him just two inches shy of Irusk. Kaya then used Laris' animus placing her right next to Irusk and with all her fury managed to deal only four damage to Irusk (really poor dice rolls did heavily hamper this otherwise very clever assination run)

Khador Turn 4

Upkeeping Superiority, I charged both my Doom Reaver and Beast into Laris failing to kill him with their combined attacks, however I chose to attack with Beast's fist so used his attack with Icebreaker to attempt to kill off Kaya and pull off a very lucky roll (though P+S 19 did help).

First Journeymen game, first journeyman win. However, I must conceed that this was only my opponent's second game so I whilst I hadn't faced Circle competitively before and was using a new list I still had quite an advantage. To give him his due my opponent put up a good fight, my only thing that I would've done differently was that when the Gnarlhorn was being attacked by the Doom Reavers I would've chosen to trample as this would've then caused me to break Beast's attack on the Warpwolf which would've consequently caused Irusk even more trouble, give that Laris would've possibly charged him and created a lot more problems. Still it's all experience for us both and hopefully you will all take something away from this too.

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